My View From Seven Feet

In Paintings and Narratives
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About The Book

My View From Seven Feet  is NBA All-Star Joe Barry Carroll’s musing on the mythical qualities some are wanting to assign to a pwerson standing seven feet tall. The “view” referes to the accumulation of his observations, thoughts, and feelings. They are presented in the form of Carroll’s narratives and paintings.

Carroll says, “What flows from my pen and brush feels natural to me. I am never sure if the images create words, or the words move me to images. I am unable to tell precisely what determines my composition of colors, shapes and themes. Perhaps everything is forming at the same time, resulting in a complete story.”

This coffee-table book contains 50 paintings and accompanying narratives by Joe Barry Carroll.

I offer my journey, so far, as a testament to what may lie within each of us.

Joe Barry Carroll

Author , My View From Seven Feet

My View From Seven Feet: Paintings Exhibit

My View from Seven Feet, published in February, includes 50 works paired with narratives that outline his observations, thoughts, and feelings. The collection’s title is a lighthearted statement on others’ perceptions of Carroll’s height. 

“There is a bit of curiosity about how I might view the world because I’m a foot — maybe more than a foot — taller than most people.” Carroll says. “In reality, I am seeing and experiencing what everyone else is experiencing.”